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TC74HC4094AP, Pacific Corporation - Inventory

As a Semiconductor supplier for 35 years, Pacific Corporation is one of the best-known companies in the Japanese electronic component market. We buy parts exclusively from the Japanese market and supply them to Japanese companies as well as to companies in more than 35 countries. We maintain an inventory of more than 45.000 items from over 350 manufacturers. We can supply all your needs; please co...

Unit Price in USD
Part Number Description Brand Qty Unit Price D/C Delivery Remarks
TC74HC4094AP(F) TTL TOSHIBA 1039 2015 === in stock
TC74HC423AF(ELNE.F IC TOSHIBA 2109 2008 === in stock
TC74HC423AP(F) TTL TOSHIBA 100 2015 === in stock
TC74HC42AFEL IC TOSHIBA 5750 2008 === in stock
TC74HC4520AFEL TTL TOSHIBA 2000 1999 === in stock
TC74HC4538AF(ELF) IC TOSHIBA 754 2010 === in stock
TC74HC4538AFT IC TOSHIBA 89 2004 === in stock
TC74HC4538AFTP2 IC TOSHIBA 2000 2002 === in stock
TC74HC540AFEL TTL TOSHIBA 2000 2001 === in stock
TC74HC540AFELF IC TOSHIBA 2749 2006 === in stock
TC74HC540AP(F) TTL TOSHIBA 11417 2006 === in stock
TC74HC541AFELF IC TOSHIBA 3980 2008 === in stock
TC74HC564AFEL TTL TOSHIBA 619 2002 === in stock
TC74HC564AFTP1 TTL TOSHIBA 33000 2002 === in stock
TC74HC574AFELF TTL TOSHIBA 54 2013 === in stock
TC74HC590AP(F) TTL TOSHIBA 44 2006 === in stock
TC74HC590AP(PPF) IC TOSHIBA 8490 2011 === in stock
TC74HC594AFEL TTL TOSHIBA 1900 1994 === in stock
TC74HC595AF(ELF) TTL TOSHIBA 8025 2007 === in stock
TC74HC640AFELF TTL TOSHIBA 668 2010 === in stock

Inventory Index: 1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10  


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