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ERC81006, Pacific Corporation - Inventory

As a Semiconductor supplier for 35 years, Pacific Corporation is one of the best-known companies in the Japanese electronic component market. We buy parts exclusively from the Japanese market and supply them to Japanese companies as well as to companies in more than 35 countries. We maintain an inventory of more than 45.000 items from over 350 manufacturers. We can supply all your needs; please co...

Unit Price in USD
Part Number Description Brand Qty Unit Price D/C Delivery Remarks
ERC81-006 IC FUJI ELEC. 1900 2011 === in stock
ERC84-009 Diode FUJI ELEC. 16860 2009 === in stock
ERG2SJ100E Registor PANASONIC 13000 2020 === in stock
ERG2SJW102E Registor PANASONIC 16000 2020 === in stock
ERG2SJW200E Registor PANASONIC 36500 2020 === in stock
ERG5SJ472 IC PANASONIC 1998 2011 === in stock
ERJ12NF1002U Condenser PANASONIC 5000 2007 === in stock
ERJ12NF6801U Condenser PANASONIC 5000 2008 === in stock
ERJ12YJ102U Registor PANASONIC 45000 2007 === in stock
ERJ12YJ121U Registor PANASONIC 55000 2004 === in stock
ERJ12YJ122U Registor PANASONIC 20000 2006 === in stock
ERJ12YJ151U Registor PANASONIC 60000 2006 === in stock
ERJ12YJ241H Registor MATSUSHITA 2000 1997 === in stock
ERJ12YJ301H Registor MATSUSHITA 2000 1996 === in stock
ERJ12YJ301U Registor PANASONIC 25000 2007 === in stock
ERJ12YJ330U Registor MATSUSHITA 5000 2000 === in stock
ERJ12YJ391U Condenser PANASONIC 225000 2009 === in stock
ERJ12YJ821U Registor PANASONIC 195000 2006 === IN STOCK
ERJ14YJ103U Registor PANASONIC 5000 2006 === in stock
ERJ14YJ2R2U Registor PANASONIC 15000 2015 === in stock

Inventory Index: 1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10  


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