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EP1C6Q240C8N, Pacific Corporation - Inventory

As a Semiconductor supplier for 35 years, Pacific Corporation is one of the best-known companies in the Japanese electronic component market. We buy parts exclusively from the Japanese market and supply them to Japanese companies as well as to companies in more than 35 countries. We maintain an inventory of more than 45.000 items from over 350 manufacturers. We can supply all your needs; please co...

Unit Price in USD
Part Number Description Brand Qty Unit Price D/C Delivery Remarks
EP1C6Q240C8N IC ALTERA 4 2017 === in stock
EP1K100FC256-2 IC ALTERA 80 2006 === in stock
EP1K100QC208-3N Memory ALTERA 53 2010 === in stock
EP1K10QC208-1 IC ALTERA 48 2014 === in stock
EP1K10QC208-3 Memory ALTERA 64 2007 === in stock
EP1K10TC100 3N Memory ALTERA 5 2012 === in stock
EP1K10TC144-1 Memory ALTERA 1 2005 === in stock
EP1K30FC256 3 Memory ALTERA 40 2000 === in stock
EP1K30Q208-1N Memory ALTERA 133 2005 === in stock
EP1K30QC208 2 Memory ALTERA 6 2001 === in stock
EP1K30QC208 3 Memory ALTERA 18 2001 === in stock
EP1K30QC208-1N IC ALTERA 13 2017 === in stock
EP1K50FC484-3N IC ALTERA 8 2009 === in stock
EP1K50TC144-3 Memory ALTERA 4 2002 === in stock
EP1K50TC144-3N IC ALTERA 32 2014 === in stock
EP1SGX25FF1020C5 IC ALTERA 4 2005 === in stock
EP1SGX25FF1020C6BN IC ALTERA 19 2016 === in stock
EP20K100EFC324 1 IC ALTERA 47 2000 === in stock
EP20K100EFC324 2X IC ALTERA 30 2003 === in stock
EP20K100QC240 2 Memory ALTERA 51 2006 === in stock

Inventory Index: 1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10  


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